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AI in Business: Harness the Power of AI – A Two-Book Guide to Transforming Your Business.

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  • Post last modified:March 18, 2024

Did you know that AI in Business across the global market was valued at $93.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a staggering compound annual growth rate of 38.1% through 2030? This explosive growth, driven by continuous research and innovation, is reshaping industries from automotive to finance​​. The impact is already significant: 54% of business leaders report increased productivity due to AI, 61% of executives have discovered new opportunities through AI, and 80% of businesses believe AI has created new jobs​​. Even more impressively, a Harvard Business Review study found that companies implementing AI in sales and marketing saw more than a 50% increase in lead generation and up to 60% cost reductions​​. With such profound effects, it’s clear that AI is not just a future possibility but a present reality. Since 2019, AI adoption in businesses has surged by 270%​​. Are you ready to harness this transformative power for your business?

The two-book series “The Power of AI” is not just a guide; it’s a gateway to transforming your business through artificial intelligence, authored by professionals who have mastered the art of leveraging technology in business.

Meet the Authors:

Jeff Welch: With a Masters in Cyber Security and Software Engineering, and as a Ph.D. candidate in Social Psychology, Jeff Welch is a technological strategist with deep insights into stakeholder relationships. Leading roles at Helium 3 Media and Grab The Axe Security Consulting showcase his expertise in navigating the complex landscape of AI, security, and technology.

Dr. Mark Smith: Dr. Smith, with over 15 years of experience in leadership and management, brings an academic and practical perspective to AI in business. His extensive background, including an Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership and an MBA, coupled with his role as Program Chair of Business Graduate Studies at the University of Advancing Technology, provides a rich foundation for understanding organizational dynamics in the AI era.

Dusten Trounce: Co-owner of Grab the Axe and a versatile writer, Dusten’s background in security consulting, law enforcement, and sales strategy brings a unique and practical viewpoint to the application of AI. His upbringing in rural Alaska instilled values of self-sufficiency and teamwork, which are evident in his approach to problem-solving and innovation in AI and machine learning.

Book One: The Power of AI: How It Can Revolutionize Your Business and Propel You to Success

This book covers:

  • Demystifying AI’s capabilities
  • Strategies for integrating AI to enhance efficiency
  • Building effective AI teams and strategies
  • Navigating emerging trends and ethical considerations

Jeff Welch’s expertise in technology and security, Dr. Mark Smith’s leadership insights, and Dusten Trounce’s practical experience combine to offer a comprehensive overview of AI in business.

Book Two: The Power of AI: The Prompts

Delve into the art of crafting effective AI prompts with real-world examples for various business functions. This book is a testament to the authors’ diverse expertise, offering readers practical techniques to maximize their use of AI.

Why AI in Business is Essential

With their diverse backgrounds, the authors bring a multidimensional perspective to the table, making these books invaluable for anyone looking to integrate AI into their business. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business leader, or simply AI-curious, this series offers a wealth of knowledge, practical insights, and strategic guidance.

What Readers Are Saying

5.0 out of 5 stars. “Great for those wanting to better understand how AI can improve business. Informative and thorough. This book is an easy read and will shed light on the many ways you can use AI to improve different aspects of your business.” – Amazon Reviewer

“Invaluable resources for any business leader stepping into the AI world.” – Jeff Edwards, CEO, Hesco Lighting

Start Your AI Journey Today

Embrace the power of AI with guidance from seasoned experts. “The Power of AI: How It Can Revolutionize Your Business and Propel You to Success” and “The Power of AI: The Prompts” to gain a competitive edge in the evolving digital landscape.

Additional Publications by WMD:

Unleashing the Power of the Locomotive Principle for Success and Achievement

Ethical Future in Tech: 6 Visions from Jeff Welch’s ‘A New Religion of Fear’

The Leadership Excellence Guide for Aspiring Leaders: Embracing Effective Leadership with Dr. Mark Smith’s Handbook

Jeff Welch

Jeff Welch, with his extensive experience in technology, security, and law enforcement, brings strategic insight and a robust understanding of stakeholder relationships. His academic achievements in Cyber Security, Software Engineering, and Social Psychology complement his leadership roles at Helium 3 Media and Grab The Axe Security Consulting, making him a pivotal figure in WMD’s journey.